
Eyes on the Baby Strand 3


Before enrolling on Eyes on the Baby training, please ensure you are accessing the correct Strand based on your job role. (An indication of relevant roles can be found in audience section below)

This strand is for Health practitioners involved in routine or emergency care of vulnerable families

The Eyes on the Baby training has been designed to help staff prevent SUDI (Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy) in County Durham. Most unexpected deaths of babies under 1 year occur in families living in impoverished circumstances with multiple risks or vulnerabilities, and a multi-agency approach is needed to reach the families most at risk of infant death. Training the multi-agency workforce in County Durham will help staff give advice about safer sleep, support shared working between services, and keep Eyes on the Baby to reduce SUDI.


Duration: 01 hours 30 minutes

This course contains the following modules:

Module name Type Duration
Eyes on the Baby Strand 3b Online 00:36:07
Eyes on the Baby Strand 3a Online 00:28:32
Eyes on the Baby Strand 3c Online 00:24:58


Health practitioners involved in routine or emergency care of vulnerable families (e.g. pre and postnatal support or universal safer sleep information)

Example list of practitioners below

  • Health Visitors / Home Visitors 
  • Midwives & Maternity Care Assistants 
  • Community Midwives 
  • Infant Feeding Leads 
  • GPs and Practice Nurses 
  • Neonatal Care Staff 
  • Family Nurse Partnership Staff 
  • Smoking Cessation Services 
  • Perinatal Mental Health 
  • Paediatricians
  • Paediatric OTs & PTs  


  • Find out more about Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infancy 
  • Learn how to support vulnerable and at-risk families 
  • Share knowledge and concerns between services to keep all Eyes on the Baby


What is the focus?

Offer universal and targeted safer sleep guidance: inform, understand, guide, and respond to concerns from multi-agency workforce

What is included?

Part 1: Safer sleep for all babies  

  • Universal provision and underpinning evidence  
  • New safer sleep discussion tools  

Part 2: Understanding co-sleeping & bed-sharing  

  • Why and how UK guidance has changed  
  • Risk minimisation and tailored guidance (difficult conversations)  

Part 3: Targeted prevention for vulnerable families  

  • Vulnerable families & SUDI  
  • Referrals and interventions 

Enrolment details

To access any of the courses you will need to login. If you do not have an account you will need to self-register or contact us for login details.

Course flyer

Please click the link to download the course flyer.

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